
Jiangsu Thankyou Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.



       Jiangsu Thankyou Semiconductor Co., Ltd was established on Dec.7, 2021, its headquarter located in Building 41, Sino-European Inspection & Testing Industrial Park Changzhou, specialized in IC testing service and design service. The registered capital is 300 million RMB, with 33000m² factory area and 15000m² purification area.

The initial invest capital is 800 million RMB and we will continue to invest in the future. We will set two subsidiary corporation in west and south China in 2024.

成立时间: 2021年12月7日 

位 置:       江苏常州中欧检验检测产业园41栋 

厂房规模: 面积33000平方米,其中净化面积近15000平方米


资本规模: 注册资本3亿人民币,一期投入8亿人民币

公司业务: 公司主营业务包括CP常温、三温测试(支持6英寸、8英寸、12英寸),FT常温、三温测试,Burn-In以及Turnkey全流程服务。产品主要应用于通讯、计算机、消费电子、汽车电子及工控等领域。

The scope of our business includes CP (normal temperature testing and three temperatures testing for 6” 8” 12”wafer), FT (normal temperature testing and three temperatures testing) , Burn-In and Turnkey service.